





轴流风机的工作原理: Working principle of axial fan: 当叶轮旋转时,气体从进风口轴向进入叶轮,受到叶轮上叶片的推挤而使气体的能量升高,然后流入导叶。导叶将偏转气流变为轴向流动,同时将气体导入扩压管,进一步将气体动能转换为压力能,最后引入工作管路。 When the impeller is rotated, the gas enters the impeller from the inlet shaft and is pushed by the blade on the impeller to increase the energy of the gas and then flow into the guide leaf. The guide blade turns the deflected air flow into axial flow, and introduces the gas into the expansion tube, which can be converted into pressure energy and finally introduces the working pipeline. 轴流式风机叶片的工作方式与飞机的机翼类似。但是,后者是将升力向上作用于机翼上并支撑飞机的重量,而轴流式风机则固定位置并使空气移动。 Axial flow fan blades work in a similar manner to airplane wings. However, the latter is to lift the lift upward on the wing and support the weight of the aircraft, while the axial fan is fixed and moving the air. 轴流式风机的横截面一般为翼剖面。叶片可以固定位置,也可以围绕其纵轴旋转。叶片与气流的角度或者叶片间距可以不可调或可调。改变叶片角度或间距是轴流式风机的主要优势之一。小叶片间距角度产生较低的流量,而增加间距则可产生较高的流量。 The cross-section of axial fan is generally a wing profile. The blade can be fixed or rotated around its vertical axis. Blade and airflow Angle or blade spacing may be unadjustable or adjustable. Changing blade Angle or spacing is one of the main advantages of axial flow fan. The small blade spacing Angle produces lower flow, while increasing the distance can produce higher flow. 先进的轴流式风机能够在风机运转时改变叶片间距(这与直升机旋翼颇为相似),从而相应地改变流量。这称为动叶可调(VP)轴流式风机。 The advanced axial fan can change the blade spacing (which is similar to the helicopter rotor) when the fan is running, thus changing the flow accordingly. This is called the rotor blade adjustable (VP) axial fan. 轴流风机又叫局部通风机,是工矿企业常用的一种风机,但不同于一般的风机它的电机和风叶都在一个圆筒里,外形就是一个筒形,用于局部通风,安装方便,通风换气效果明显,安全,可以接风筒把风送到指定的区域。 Axial flow fan is also called local ventilator, is a fan of industrial and mining enterprises commonly used, but is different from general and wind vane of the fan it's motor in a cylinder shape is a cylinder, for local ventilation, easy installation, ventilation effect is obvious, safe, can take hair as the wind sent to the designated area.


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版权 © 河北玻璃钢轴流风机厂 网址:http://fengguanz.89ix.com  推荐:玻璃钢轴流风机,玻璃钢离心风机,玻璃钢屋顶风机
