





Characteristics of axial fan
(1) the influence of the temperature and humidity of inlet air on the flow rate of the axial fan conforms to the equation of state of gas. In actual production, the change value can also be compared with the calibration data of surge line of unit.
(2) the axial flow fan is very sensitive to the performance of the cascade because it mainly relies on the expansion of the blade to increase the gas pressure. In practical application, usually by changing the blade angle (usually called static blade angle) to change the airflow angle, so that the unit volume change to adjust the air volume, reduce power consumption to meet the technical requirements.
(3) the blade shape of the axial flow fan determines the stage pressure ratio and efficiency of the cascade, and determines the whole performance of the fan. At present, the static and dynamic blades of axial fan are mostly three yuan flow design, and the efficiency of the whole machine is higher. But because of high precision, if the external interference factors caused by changes in leaf damage or leaf blade scaling type, then the compression ratio and efficiency will decrease, but also the scaling problem caused by blade axial flow fan operating range, in extreme cases will affect the dynamic balancing of shafting caused downtime accident.


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版权 © 河北玻璃钢轴流风机厂 网址:http://fengguanz.89ix.com  推荐:玻璃钢轴流风机,玻璃钢离心风机,玻璃钢屋顶风机
