





Fan maintenance and storage
1, the environment should be kept clean and clean, the surface of the fan is kept clean, and there should be no sundries in the inlet and outlet. Remove dust from the fan and pipe regularly.
2, it can only work under the normal condition of the fan. At the same time, we must ensure that the power supply facilities are adequate, the voltage is stable, and the operation is strictly prohibited. The power supply lines must be private lines, and the temporary lines should not be used for long time.
3, during the operation of the fan, it is found that the fan is abnormal, the motor is seriously heated, the shell is electrified, the switch is tripped, and it can not start. In order to ensure safety, it is not allowed to be maintained during the operation of the fan. After overhaul, the test operation should be carried out for about five minutes, to confirm that there is no abnormal phenomenon and reopen the machine.
4, according to the regular supplement or replace the lubricating oil bearing conditions of use (motor enclosed bearings do not need to replace the grease in the service life period), in order to ensure good lubrication fan in the operation process of the gas of not less than 1000 hours / times, enclosed bearings and motor bearings, gas filled with inner and outer rings of bearing ZL-3 lithium base grease 2/3. No oil shortage operation is strictly prohibited.
5, the fan should be stored in a dry environment to prevent the motor from dampness. When the fan is stored in the open air, it should have rain proof measures. In the storage and transportation process should prevent fan bump, so as not to damage the fan.


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