





一、 WS-86-6型系列玻璃钢屋顶风机是
A, WS-86-6 series glass steel roof fan
Advanced roof exhaust equipment at home and abroad. It is mainly used for ventilation and ventilation in hotels, restaurants, office buildings, laboratories, factories and residential buildings. This series of fans have the features of beautiful shape, compact maple, high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, low power consumption, low noise, reliable operation, convenient installation and maintenance, and the use of entrance Venturi tube test, compared with similar products, the efficiency is increased by 30%. According to the needs of users, our company can also produce explosion-proof roof blower, and its performance is the same as the same number.
二、 BDW-87-3型玻璃钢低噪声屋顶风机
Two, BDW-87-3 glass steel roof fan with low noise
It is widely used in all types of industrial and civil buildings in the overall exhaust and local exhaust, especially hotels, schools, hospitals, conference rooms and other places to be more suitable for quiet. It has the advantages of low noise, light weight, high efficiency, corrosion resistance, compact structure, beautiful appearance and reliable operation.
三、 BDW-87-4型玻璃离心式屋顶风机
Three, type BDW-87-4 centrifugal glass roof fan
Using the stepless speed regulating motor, the performance and noise of the blower are all designed to meet the design requirements. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, less power consumption, light weight, corrosion resistance, simple operation, and so on. The noise can be limited to 65 (A) decibels. If the noise value is not satisfied, the noise box can be added between the base and the fan, and the factory can be designed and manufactured for the user.
Four, BDW-87-6 type explosion-proof centrifugal roof fan
This fan is used for ventilation and ventilation in all kinds of industrial and agricultural buildings, military buildings, workshop buildings, laboratories, warehouses and other general explosion-proof requirements. The conditions are as follows: ambient air temperature: less than 90 degrees; relative humidity less than 85%; dust content and other solid impurities less than 150mg/m3; ambient noise; less than 60 (dB).
Five, BDW-87-7 type axial flow roof fan
主要作为石油、化工、冶金、机械、国防、仓库等大型建筑以及饭店的室内通风排气之用。输送的气体不含有粘性物质,所含的尘土颗粒不大于150mg/m3,其温度不得超过60℃。 屋顶轴流通风机有No4-10共七种机号。传动型式均为A式(电联)传动。风机由叶轮、风筒、顶帽、电动机、防雨盖等部分组成。 本风机性能稳定,运转平衡,噪声低、运行安全可靠。叶轮经过静平衡校正,振动小,风机结构合理,便于维护。本风机是安装在屋顶部进行工作的,不需安装通风管道。 性能表中所列性能是指风机全开时的标准状况下的性能(标准状况下的性能温度20℃,相对湿度50℃,大气压力760mmHg,空气重度1.2kgf/m3。)
It is mainly used for indoor ventilation and exhaust of large buildings such as petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, machinery, national defense, warehouses and restaurants. The transported gas contains no viscous substances, and the dust particles are not more than 150mg/m3, and the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. The roof axial-flow fan has a total of seven types of No4-10. The transmission type is A type (electric couplet) transmission. The fan consists of impeller, wind drum, top cap, motor, rain proof cover and so on. The fan is stable in performance, stable in operation, low in noise and safe and reliable in operation. Impeller after static balance correction, vibration is small, fan structure is reasonable, easy to maintain. The fan is installed on the roof, and no ventilation pipe is needed. The performance table shows the performance under the standard condition of the full opening of the fan (the performance temperature of 20 C under the standard condition, the relative humidity at 50, the atmospheric pressure 760mmHg, the severe 1.2kgf/m3 of the air).
Six, BDW-87-8 type FRP roof fan
BDW-87-8型玻璃钢屋顶风机具有噪声低,振动小。外壳采用热喷涂最新防腐工艺处理,抗潮湿大气的腐蚀性强,能保证风机在房外条件下稳定运转。适用于电力、石油、化工、冶金、仓库等现代化建筑设计的强制通风。 风机垂直安装在屋顶上,有蘑菇形风帽房雨雪。还配有能自动开启的活页风门,风机停止运转时风门关闭,以减少科季室内热量的散失,活页风门为风机附件,由用户在定货时选用。 蘑菇形风帽及机壳由玻璃钢制成。风帽和机壳可拆卸分开,便于安装,维修。叶轮直联在电机上,采用玻璃钢机翼形叶片上,使风机有良好的气动性能 风机运行时工作介质为工业大气,配用普通电机时介质温度≤40℃(配用防爆电机时,介质≤温度55℃)。当介质温度为25℃时,相对湿度不超过95%,介质的含尘量(含固体杂质)应不超过100毫克/立方米。如风机运行条件超过上述规定,需在定货时提出,作特殊设计。 工厂提供的风机性能,均指在标准状况(温度为20℃、相对湿度50%,大气压力101325Pa(760毫米汞柱)气体比生1.2公斤/立方米)时的空气性能。如果通风机在非标准状况下工作时,其性能则要通过相应的公式换算。
The BDW-87-8 type FRP roof fan has low noise and small vibration. The shell is treated by the latest technology of thermal spraying, and it has strong corrosion resistance to the moist atmosphere and ensures the stable operation of the fan under the condition of outside the house. It is suitable for forced ventilation in modern architectural design of electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, warehouse and so on. The fan installed on the roof, a real snow mushroom cap. It is also equipped with a loose leaf door which can be opened automatically. When the fan stops running, the door is closed to reduce the loss of indoor heat in the quarter, and the valve is the fan accessories. Mushroom shaped cap and the casing is made of glass steel. Hood and shell can be disassembled and separated, convenient installation and maintenance. The impeller is directly connected to the motor, using the FRP wing shaped blade to make the fan have good aerodynamic performance. The working medium of the fan is industrial atmosphere. When the general motor is used, the medium temperature is less than 40 degrees C (when the explosion-proof motor is used, the medium is less than 55 C). When the medium temperature is 25 degrees, the relative humidity is no more than 95%, and the dust content of the medium (including solid impurities) should not exceed 100 mg / m3. If the operation condition of fan exceeds the above requirements, it is necessary to make special design when ordering. The performance of the blower provided by the factory refers to the air performance in the standard condition (temperature 20, relative humidity, 50%, atmospheric pressure 101325Pa (760 mm Hg) gas compared to 1.2 kg / m3). If the ventilator works in a non-standard condition, its performance should be converted to the corresponding formula.
Seven, BDW-87-9 is a common FRP roof fan
在没有严重腐蚀性介质的情况下运行,不防爆,可在一般通风换气中使用,亦可加工成隔爆型玻璃屋顶风机,在玻璃原料中加入防静电炭素材料,并采用隔爆型电机可在有防爆要求的工房内使用。 本产品具有下列特点: 外型为方形,与建筑物协调,造型美观;采用了机械效率高、省电、噪声低、振动小的电机,并调协了风机的防风、防雨功能。适用于在工业、民用建筑中作为通风换气,排除余热等以改善室内环境条件之用。 本型风机机号共为4号至10号六种规格(隔爆型为4号至7号四种规格),适用于≤40℃的情况下运行。 FDW3、FDW4、FWT4系列离心式屋顶风机
In the absence of serious corrosive medium, it can operate without explosion, and can be used in general ventilation and ventilation. It can also be processed into a flameproof glass roof fan. Anti static carbon material is added to the glass material, and a flameproof motor can be used in the workshop with explosion-proof requirements. The product has the following characteristics: the outer shape is square, and the building is coordinated, the shape is beautiful, the motor with high mechanical efficiency, power saving, low noise and small vibration is used, and the wind protection and rain proof function of the fan are adjusted. It is suitable for ventilation and ventilation in industrial and civil buildings, and excludes waste heat to improve indoor environmental conditions. The type of fan is six sizes from 4 to 10 (flameproof type is four sizes from 4 to 7), which is suitable for running under conditions of less than 40 degrees Celsius. FDW3, FDW4, FWT4 series centrifugal roof fan


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版权 © 河北玻璃钢轴流风机厂 网址:http://fengguanz.89ix.com  推荐:玻璃钢轴流风机,玻璃钢离心风机,玻璃钢屋顶风机
