





What are the most common anomalies of axial fans in use?
In fact, many times the fan in the use of some abnormal phenomena is very common, but these abnormal phenomena often lead to the use of fan efficiency decline, so that the use of the fan to a certain extent damaged, part of the reason is the user in the choice of errors, different models bring different results, such as If the fruit is used in an inappropriate place, abnormal phenomena will be unavoidable.
Axial-flow fans can produce many different types according to different classification basis. Steel fans, FRP fans, plastic fans, PP fans, PVC fans, aluminum fans, stainless steel fans, etc. These are the more common types of axial-flow fans. Different types of fans have different problems in use, therefore There are also great differences in solutions.
One of the most common phenomena of axial-flow fans when blades crack or break is likely to occur in both feeding and induced draft fans. In recent years, many large power plants have occurred; rotor failure. Such as rotor imbalance, rotor vibration, and so on, the most serious accidents even happen to the impeller. Such as overcurrent, serious burn out motor; oil station leakage, regulating oil pressure instability. That is, the regulation performance of the fan is also a threat to the safety of the fan.
Blade wear is also a typical phenomenon. It mainly happens on the induced draft fan. Due to poor timing of electrical input or electrical failure, the induced draft fan is worn out. This is the most easily occurring fault of the induced draft fan of a coal-fired power station.
Once the fan appears the above situation, first to stop power, check whether the fan long-term stall conditions, gas pressure fluctuation amplitude significantly increased, blade resonance damage; the fuselage itself is not a problem, starting design is reasonable; installation of hidden dangers, such as shaft imbalance or connection Bad, resulting in large fan vibration, bearing and coupling easily damaged.
If the user finds that none of these solutions can solve the problems caused by the fan, then it is necessary to consider the type of fan, is it due to the failure of type selection caused by these problems, once the cause of the problem is determined, to immediately find a solution to solve these problems of the fan.


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