





The fan and the motor are connected by a coupling to transmit the movement and torque. Misalignment is the most common fault of fan. 60% of the faults of fan are related to misalignment. The misalignment fault of the fan refers to the inclination or deviation degree between the axis lines of the two rotors of the fan and the motor and the bearing center lines. The misalignment of fan rotor can be divided into coupling misalignment and bearing misalignment. After the rotor system of the fan has misalignment fault, it will produce a series of adverse dynamic effects on the operation of the equipment in the process of rotation, which will cause the deflection of the coupling, the wear of the bearing, the steady state of the oil film and the deflection and deformation of the shaft, not only make the mutual position of the rotor journal and the bearing and the working state of the bearing change, but also reduce the natural frequency of the shaft system, and make the rotor suffer The abnormal vibration of the fan and the early damage of the bearing are caused by the force and the additional force of the bearing. For the fan misalignment fault, it can be solved by laser centering instrument, which is convenient and quick


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版权 © 河北玻璃钢轴流风机厂 网址:http://fengguanz.89ix.com  推荐:玻璃钢轴流风机,玻璃钢离心风机,玻璃钢屋顶风机
